As part of The World's Weirdest Swag Bag EVER (TM) - a bag which included, but was by no means limited to: sex toys, a clown nose, a pet hair de-linter, and a coloring book - I received a tassel of green cleaning products from Scotch-Brite.
Now, I'm no clean-freak, but I do like to keep things from venturing into scary-land. Well, no, that's not fair. I keep a clean house. Considering. Considering the overwhelming work schedule, two kids, and disappointing economic outlook.
Where was I?
Oh yes, bad-ass kitchen wipes! I grew up in a Handi-wipes household. My mom's sink perennially sported (and still does) a yellow (or blue, in later decades) handi-wipe. They worked well, they dried quickly, and they were even washable for a few rounds before being retired to the trash. So frugal was our home that we cut them in half, before using them, thereby doubling our expected usage.
I continued the tradition in my own home, and have never ventured out to try anything else, aside from the occasional honest-to-goodness wash cloth or dish towel.
So when I opened my Random Bag of (Confusing) Goodness (TM), I thought, "Hmm. Worth a try."
The only item I've tried thus far are the Greener Cleaner Bamboo Wipes. This things rock! Lemme tell you why:
- WAY cuter than my old standby. WAY.
- Dries just as quickly, thereby minimizing "stinky sink" syndrome.
- A softer side and a more scrubby side (try not to get confused by my technical jargon). The scrubbier side works really well on countertop goo... should you have some.
- Better for the environment.
- Did I mention how much more attractive they are?
How 'bout you? What's in your sink? Any tricks-of-the-trade I should know about?
I'll let you know what I think of the other Scotch-Brite items, as I have cause to use them.