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BlogHer 2009

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Book Reviews

  • Andrea J. Buchanan: The Double-Daring Book for Girls

    Andrea J. Buchanan: The Double-Daring Book for Girls
    The book is filled from front to back with all sorts of random bits of knowledge, trivia, skills, and advice that girls should learn over the course of their childhoods. Sure, some of the skills would be great to teach boys as well, but there's a special effort to teach or talk about some things that are more specific to girls, or subjects that are traditionally overlooked. (The entries on "How to Say No/How to Say Yes" and "Shooting Pool" come to mind.) It's great fun and a must-have for girls and moms alike. (****)

  • Suzy Welch: 10-10-10: A Life-Transforming Idea

    Suzy Welch: 10-10-10: A Life-Transforming Idea
    It's an easy, engaging read and I think that you could incorporate 10-10-10 into your everyday life without too much effort. Being deliberate, analyzing your values, and starting open dialogues with the important people in your life is ALWAYS a good thing, and I think Welch is onto an simple plan for doing just that. (****)

  • Lisa Tucker: The Cure for Modern Life: A Novel

    Lisa Tucker: The Cure for Modern Life: A Novel
    I really enjoyed The Cure for Modern Life. It raised some interesting issues and grounded them in well-developed characters. The characters truly seemed to follow their own course, rather than preaching some agenda. And I managed to read it in three days - which is nothing short of a miracle. (****)

  • Stefanie Wilder-Taylor: Naptime Is the New Happy Hour: And Other Ways Toddlers Turn Your Life Upside Down

    Stefanie Wilder-Taylor: Naptime Is the New Happy Hour: And Other Ways Toddlers Turn Your Life Upside Down
    A hybrid of girlfriend gossip-meets-girlfriend advice that's good for the soul. It's not really a how-to or a manual, but she does have some good suggestions mixed in with the humor. But who are we really kidding? What we're really after is the humor. At least I am. Because I can find all the advice I could ever need - and more. way. WAY more. - on the internet. Whereas finding good humor that steps over the line every so often with a well-placed swear word every now and then, well, that's much harder to find. And if it's one thing that mom of toddlers need, it's a good laugh. (*****)

  • Andy Steiner: Spilled Milk: Breastfeeding Adventures and Advice from Less-Than Perfect Moms

    Andy Steiner: Spilled Milk: Breastfeeding Adventures and Advice from Less-Than Perfect Moms
    A great read for any Mom preparing to tackle breastfeeding. It's not a guide, per se, but more like the conversations your best girlfriends would have (or are having) about their time in the trenches. It's non-judgmental, and does a balanced job of presenting both the tough and triumphant moments of breastfeeding. A great present for your friend's baby shower. (****)

  • Editors of Parenting Magazine: Baby Must-Haves: The Essential Guide to Everything from Cribs to Bibs

    Editors of Parenting Magazine: Baby Must-Haves: The Essential Guide to Everything from Cribs to Bibs
    Overall, I would recommend this guide for first-time parents who want to get an idea of what items they'll need prior to doing the nitty-gritty research about which brands to choose, and for those of us who'd like a refresher course before hitting the slopes again. But save your real research for the internet, consumer-reviews, and your circle of other mom-friends. (**)

  • Jenny Minton: The Early Birds : A Mother's Story for Our Times

    Jenny Minton: The Early Birds : A Mother's Story for Our Times
    Overall, this is an interesting read for any mother. I've cried, come close to being pissed off, and then quickly forgiven the author because of her deeply honest approach. The title is too lighthearted for the subject matter, but I think it's a worthwhile read. Check out my review for more details. (****)

  • Susan Straub: Reading with Babies, Toddlers, and Two's

    Susan Straub: Reading with Babies, Toddlers, and Two's
    If you need a reason to go spend more money at a book store, this book is perfect for you! See more detailed info in my review. (***)

  • Peter Kuhns: Blogosphere : Best of Blogs

    Peter Kuhns: Blogosphere : Best of Blogs
    I can't give it less than three stars, 'cause I'm IN IT! It's really a compendium of blogs and synopses of their authors and contents. A blog roll in print. (***)