I have found her! The Anti-Asshat. That's right, ladies. In honor of getupgrrl's sidesplitting entry on the mind-boggling freaks out there (she's taken miscarriage hilarity to a new level), I thought I brag about one Anti-Asshat who's ventured across cyberspace to say hi.
To fill you in, someone who frequents a message board I post on had inquired about the death of my first son because it was so far along in my pregnancy (click here for the details), and so I dutifully explained. Anti-Asshat responded with this:
Julia,I just was lurking on this post and realized what you lost your first son to. I am a Level III NICU nurse and we recently had a baby in our nursery with arthrogryposis. It was heartbreaking to care for him. Although my opinion does not make the least little bit of difference, I want you to know that you did a very kind and merciful thing by sending your son to live perfectly in Heaven. It must have been such a heart-wrenching decision and so hard to make. You are so brave and courageous and continue to be so. Although I don't know you, you are an inspiration in my life.
So all the "Miscarriage Gift"s and "Huge Cock"s of the world - take that! I'd rather get an unsolicited message from Anti-Asshat any day.