I can't help but notice that other new moms in the blogosphere are still maintaining their blogs. That's right. Even Tertia, who's rightly overwhelmed by two little newborns is still posting on a regular basis.
This raises a question for me: HOW?!
Seriously. I think my baby is very even tempered, as newborns go, and aside from an issue with reflux, she seems to be an "easy" baby. And yet, I can't find the time to post about the million and one things that pop into my head (fleeting though they may be) to blog about.
There's laundry to do. And paraphenalia to be sterilized. There's nipple cream and bra pads and deciding what outfit to wear of my three options. Mostly, there's this to stare at in awe and wonder:
So, I repeat: How do they do it?
My mom left yesterday. So far I haven't had a major meltdown. My husband is doing a bang-up job of helping out. I'm still bracing for colic or some other crisis.
My grandparents came to visit late a few days ago. We got some great intergenerational photos. I wish they were all in better health so as to enjoy this with a bit less inconvenience.
I went to buy some nursing tops yesterday so I can leave the house on occassion without looking... well, like a walking milk dispenser. The pickings are slim, ladies. Real slim.
I also bought another nursing bra that has a wee bit more support and makes me a bit more presentable in fitted shirts. I narrowly avoided having to buy a size that didn't quite fit when I LEAKED ALL OVER IT! Seriously, the deed was done in a mere matter of seconds. Quite embarrassing. I put bra pads in immediately for the next few tries.
I found Gripe Water! They had it at a specialty boutique that had a big (but not good) selection of nursing tops. It was at the counter when we were checking out. We tried it a few times so far, but it hasn't really helped. I'm willing to bet that it just isn't strong enough to make a dent in the acid reflux problem.
Hopefully, the Zantac our Pedi perscribed will, though.
Did I mention that my mother is gone?
My husband thought it would be nice to have a few (very few) people over for the Super Bowl since we can't really go anywhere. (Our pediatrician has advised that we keep Banana away from crowds and public places due to her less than stellar respiratory start in this world.)
I said sure. Then it dawned on me last night that the Super Bowl is an evening event. I may well take the kid and bow out at half time.
I finally got to check the post office box that Shelba set up for me to receive all the lovely gifts and cards you sent. THANK YOU!
I promise that proper thank you notes will be forthcoming... at some point.
Also, I failed to give a big shout out to Andreah for designing the whole shower blog in the first place. But then, we all know she rocks already.
Did I mention that my mother is gone?