Rather than focus on the sleep war that's been plaguing our household, I thought I'd lighten up and share my opinion and experiences with a few new beauty products.
First up, a cautionary tale:
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT under any circumstances - no matter how accustomed to waxing you are, no matter how amazing the product looks in commercials - attempt to use a particular hair removal product (sold under a name that's synonymous for men's reproductive organs) to give yourself a bikini wax. Not only will it prove ineffective, yanking only a few short-n-curlies, but it will leave you with HIDEOUS BRUISING, the likes of which you haven't seen since your best friend's neck after a gruesome high school suck-face session.
Seriously, don't do it.
You do, however, have my permission to use said product to yank annoying toe hairs. You can do this to console yourself that the $20 bucks you spent wasn't a total loss.
Next up, makeup:
I am a particularly pale creature. Not only am I pale, but I have the skin tone retailers dread because their marketing departments must spend hours trying to call it anything but "blue". I typically buy Perscriptives makeup because they're the only ones I'd found who knew how to keep a blue girl from looking orange.
The big draw back, however, was that I had to venture into a mall everytime I needed a refill. This is not only time consuming, but risky, as it usually involves a stroll through the shoe department.
Now that we have Hannah and our money and time are equally tight, I decided to try another option. Loreal makes a new makeup line called True Match that had sparked my interest. The big bonus being that I could buy it at the grocery store. When you go to buy the makeup, there's a neat little clear plastic card that has transparent spots of color on it. You find the one that disappears when held in front of your wrist, et voila.
Wanna guess what mine was called? Alabaster. It was the lightest color available in the "cool" (i.e. blue) group.
But guess what, it works! I don't look orange, and the makeup has a neat powdery, evaporative finish that I like. (You'll notice I'm only linking to the stuff I like. No need to get involved in a lawsuit...)
And then there's the sunless tanner:
You'll recall from the above conversation that I am blue. I also hate sunbathing. I still get carded for alcohol even while toting Hannah around, and I'd like to keep it that way for as long as I can, so I'm all about the sunscreen. Everyday. Really.
So, in an effort to keep my pallor from scaring/scarring young children in the streets, I thought I'd try out some sunless tanners.
The first was one that promises to "build a tan" slowly. I thought this sounded good because I didn't want to look like I'd been to Aruba overnight, or worse yet, been bathing in Tang for fourteen hours. Alas, the constuction took place faster than I'd hoped, and left me with a ton of streaks and general fakeness.
Then they began playing commercials for these lotions with a "hint" of sunless tanner. After consulting with the makeup gal (she's very nice and helpful) at the grocery store, she told me which of these new products she preferred after trying them herself. She suggested Jergens Natural Glow.
I love it! You can be relatively sloppy in your application and it's really forgiving. Which is a must for anyone who has the spare time of a gnat, like me. Plus, I really do look like I just got a nice light tan. It's not over the top. The makeup gal liked it because it comes in two varieties, one for lightskinned people and one for mediums. She's hispanic, and obviously preferred the later.
Well, that's as much beauty as I've got right now. You're welcome in advance for my witty insight. :) Now I'm off to convince my wee one that sleeping is the first and foremost beauty regimine.