I'm half-way into a week that has thus far lived up to it's promise of being hectic beyond all reason. Adventures of note include photographic the first of three deliveries this week! Kristin was had scheduled an induction for her second baby after passing her due date, but changed her mind after her eldest - a two-year-old - was flown by emergency helicopter to the local children's hospital for a severe allergic reaction just 36 hours before the induction. Alas, her daughter had different ideas and decided to be born yesterday anyway.
Kristin was beautiful and she made giving birth look like a day at the spa. It was really almost ridiculous. Good think I like her so much and am so content with my own life. Otherwise there would have been a fair deal of jealousy.
And the photographs are wonderful. I am so. so. pleased. I've only worked on a few, and if your close enough to me to be marked as a "family or friend" on flickr, you can see them. Otherwise, I'll need to wait until I have Kristin's permission to share them. I have to admit I was quite proud of myself. There were approximately five different types of lighting in the room and I was able to adjust quickly enough to get all fo the important shots. Over 300 of them, actually. Obviously, I'll pare that down. Some.
When I returned home from the hospital, I was dispatched by my husband to take pictures of a client' house. While there, I snapped a few of his supremely delightful red-headed infant. Then I came home to feed the kids, bathe the kids, put the kids down, and finish off more of Todd's work-related projects.
Then today I headed out to the cabin and met the charity who hauled off all our two decades worth of possessions. It could have been a bit traumatic, but I had Caroline with me and was too sweaty and hot to dwell on it much. I also spend a good deal of the day checking in with Emily to make sure she wasn't going to go into labor and screw up my cabin projects. Wasn't she so nice to oblige?!
On the way back from the cabin I noticed that Caroline - who has been only happy lately, instead of obnoxiously exuberant - was pulling at her ears and fussing. Fussing. Which she just doesn't do. I took her to the doctors office on the way into town, et voila, the ear infection is back. She continued to perform like a circus monkey, though, looking so exceedingly cute and executing her new-found wave with such contagious smileyness that the doctor ran to get her camera to take a few pictures.
Now I'm setting into pound out some of my real work, which is due tomorrow. I will be out of the house first thing in the morning to go photograph the next baby's birth. This one will be an early c-section, so my goal is to capture as many of the baby's little post-birth moments as I can, since moms don't get to see those.
After that, it's more work and more waiting for Emily's kid to make up his or her mind about when to be born. This one is going to be stubborn, I can tell.
Oh yeah! My cat! I nearly forgot. Monday night, in the cold stupor of deep sleep, I noticed my cat crawling all over me and making weird hairball noises. Since she doesn't get hairballs and the noises didn't stop, I tried to get up and turn the light on. By the time I did, she'd already ran out of the room. I didn't feel like pursuing, and was glad to see that if something was going to be ejected from her throat, it would at least be on the tile instead of my carpet.
Ten minutes later, she was back. And this time she dripped something on my face. I turned the light on and discovered the culprit. Apparently, while bathing herself at 3:00 am, she began licking her chest and managed to get her lower jaw trapped in her collar. She was a drooly freaked-out mess. I unstuck her jaw and calmed her down and spent the next hour of what should have been precious sleep pondering how bad it would be to go down that way, drooling and harking into oblivion.
Wish me luck for enduring the rest of the week. My life may be crazy right now, but it's mine, and I love it.