- Finding a few spare moments to compose responses to all the great comments on the last few political posts.
- Editing the photos from the four sessions I held over the weekend.
- Sleep (theoretically, speaking).
- Solving my daughters' (yes, plural) gastrointestinal issues.
- New projects from aforementioned clients.
- Paychecks.
- New television shows on my DVR.
- Caroline walking. At least, I think I'm looking forward to it.
and Things to Which I Do Not:
- Tomorrow's catheterized exploration of my nether bits, otherwise known as an HSG. My fifth, if you're playing Uncommon, the Home Edition.
- Paying for someone to test our well water (see also, gastrointestinal issues).
- Grocery shopping. For the first time in memory, my freezer is actually, literally empty.
- Results from the HSG.
- Paying for the HSG out of pocket.
- And, while we're at it, paying for the surgery that will likely result from the HSG.
- Early childhood intervention for Caroline's tip-toe walking and W-sitting.
- Barely constrained freak-out over Caroline's tip-toe walking and W-sitting, and the terms google turned up in association with them.
How 'bout you?