... Except, perhaps, want of a cohesive theme.
Vacation Hangover (hers, but somehow still mine)
My mom used to tell me that when I came back from visiting my grandparents, there was a bit of a "recovery" time, wherein I had to relearn the rules of being a civilized child who followed rules and was generally a peaceable member of society. The word "spoiled" may have come up.
[enter sigh] She was right. Hannah has been mostly good since her return, but there are clear signs of vacation hangover: a general grumpiness and refusal to listen, replacing it instead with whines and pouts.
I think it has less to do with anyone [grandma] spoiling anyone [Banana], and more to do with the harsh reality of coming back to the real world. And honestly, I think we all do this - four or forty.
Yesterday was pretty harsh. Primarily because Caroline had a super-rough night and I was operating on very little sleep. Little sleep + cranky kids + neglected work = mom with cartoony squiggles and swear words over her head.
But by the end of the evening it seemed that Hannah received the message: You home now, all the old rules apply. I think we're back on track. [clearly, knocking wood]
Wedded Bliss
Yesterday marked eight years since Todd and I were married. In a fit of celebration, he worked all day while I (grumpily) watched the kids. The girls and I ate spaghetti and got ready for bed, and when he came home he at microwaved leftovers. Then he and I watched Deadliest Catch (together), and then a baseball game and reality TV (separately). Later, we crashed with some mutual "love 'ya"s and pats on the back.
I know. Steamy, right?
But it was perfect, for us. I think romance is highly overrated. Comfort and deep love is much, much better. Plus, we're going out to a fancy restaurant on Friday night while friends watch the girls. We'll try and do it up right then.
Severed Lifeline
My church closed. Yep, closed. Completely out of the blue, I received an email from the church conference saying they church was closed and that the day before was our last service. Come get any belongings, thankyouverymuch.
I'm really upset about this. The church had been a big source of support this year, including financial gifts and donations that were really helping keep us afloat. Not to mention the massive help of prayers and knowing that there's a larger family out there that will hold you up when you need it.
I feel like there must be something else going on. The church was only 1.5 years old. I know the Methodist Church usually allots five years for new churches before the expect them to have their act together. I thought the pastor was great, the congregation supportive, and in a tiny community like ours, they really played an important role in our lives.
Starting Sunday, I'll have to start my search anew. Any suggestions for a relatively progressive denomination?
Summer Television
One thing I love about the largely abyssmal summer TV lineup is this: the excuse to watch crap! Trashy TV is quickly becoming my favorite guilty pleasure.
You really have to watch this - it's hands-down the best stress-relief out there. Last season, once I forced myself to stop feeling sorry for the contestants (they VOLUNTEER! and they have a shot a $50K!), I loved every second of the exploitative falls, slips, and periously dangerous head-shots. This year, the courses are much improved, and the comedic comentary is hilarious. Even my kids like watching it (with a preceding explanation that it's only okay to laugh at people who fall if a. they're on a game show, or b. you checked to make sure they're okay and stop before you hurt their feelings).
The Bachelorette
I wholeheartedly blame my friend Em for making me watch this. She also hooked me on I Hate Greenbeans (a recap blog) which is written by a real-life friend of hers. I generally disagree with the premise of the show and I think the intentionally pick at least a half-crop of losers and drama kings, but man, there's no denying that the show is hilarious! I laugh out loud every time and usually try to explain to Todd what was so funny, except it never fully translates and I end up sounding like an idiot. But who cares. Funny is funny.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey
You can't make this sh*t up. Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! Completely inappropriate in every single way, and yet, 100% addictive. The "characters" are so over the top that I literally sit there with my mouth hanging open. And yet, each one of them has deeply redemptive moments that make me tear up! (I know! How humiliating to cry over crazy people!) Once you get over the wrongness of it, it's so very, very right.
In the realm of less trashy, I'm also watching Burn Notice (Magnum PI for the new millennium), Saving Grace, Royal Pains, Deadliest Catch ("The crab show" as Hannah calls it), Ice Road Truckers (actually scary this year), True Blood, In Plain Sight, Bizarre Foods (he's actually endearing), and Man vs. Food.
Am I missing any Must-Sees?