I am a mere hair's breadth away from drowning, dear readers. I have work (wonderful, wonderful work!) coming at me from all angles - new work, loyal clients, deadlines, meetings, and presentations.
I also have no formal childcare. Todd is helping nearly full-time, but he has to get in client meetings and applications and the like in the hopes that one day soon this god-forsaken economy will turn around and actually render a paycheck.
Today I met with a client who's days away from launching her new brand, and we discussed a joint presentation we're giving next Tuesday. Tomorrow I'm meeting with a new client who may offer me a long-term assignment. Friday I have to wrap up a web site and finalize that presentation. Saturday is Caroline's birthday party. Sunday is a photo shoot. Monday is actual work, and Tuesday is that presentation.
Did anyone bring a snorkel? I'm feeling claustrophobic.