I'm not going to waste space here with excuses about why I haven't been blogging much. I just did that in the last post. Instead, I'm just going to give you a smattering of random thoughts, milestones, and maybe a picture or two.
I hate it when people say that. I'm on vacation. And I think vacation is a reasonably long word with no real need for truncation.
We're at the beach. The girls have never seen the ocean or a beach before, so this has been great. The weather is cool, but not cold. The town is practically vacated. The only downers so far have been the so-so condition of the condo, the incessant noise from the repair crew that's been using pneumatic drills and grinders all day long, and the tiny bed Todd and I are sharing.
On the up side, it's VACATION! Which is something we almost never do. And even though I'm working some, it's still a welcome break. I can already feel my mind turning to mush.
Is there some little stubborn almost-five milestone that no one mentioned to me? Hannah is mostly wonderful, but every now and then she gets this little attitude and it can be extreme. Assuming its a phase.
She's also growing like a weed and so freakin' pretty it hurts to look directly at her. (Feel free to check out the flickr pictures over there in the sidebar.)
Me, Elsewhere
If you're missing me, you might have better luck on Twitter. My twitter stream is over there in the sidebar, too, which is what made me think of it. I'm not perfectly consistent over there, but it is easier for me to dash off a thought or two there than here.
8.5 Year Itch?
Todd and I need to do some reconnecting. He seems to be going through the exact same form of loss-of-identity that new moms do. Being a stay-at-home dad is much harder than he bargained. He's chin-up about it, but he's also getting a little depressed, stir-crazy, and he seems to have disengaged from our relationship some.
For some reason, this also seems to have coincided with the Great Ex-Boyfriend Reconnect of '09, in which every boy-turned-man who ever had a stray thought about me, took me to a movie, or otherwise played a role in my teenaged life has looked me up on Facebook. Most of these are welcome. A handful are not. But the fact that a handful of guys are saying complimentary things to me right at a time when my husband seems to have take a big step back can cause some conflict.
We had a bit of a come-to-Jesus talk about two weeks ago about this. The jury is still out on any results thereof.
I still really like my job. This month, the balance of new client and existing ones was a bit tougher. And now I've gone and filled my weekends with photography sessions for the holidays. So it's about to get four different kinds of crazy over here. For the first time in... ever, I'm seriously contemplating not really having my own clients, once I move to full time with the new job. Then again, January is still a ways off, and lots can change.
Caroline is a natural-born trick-or-treater. She chased after the gaggle of bigger girls, bag on shoulder, hauling hiney in her little lion costume and demanding "trick-treat!" of every stranger.
Hannah was beautiful and courteous and generally lovely. She had a great time. We went to our friend's house and did a family-friendly Halloween, with dinner, treats, and group trick-or-treating. Wonderful.
My best friend and her husband went as Bella and Edward. Freakin hilarious. I went as a semi-sexy teacher. Todd went as himself. Next year, we'll plan a bit more in advance.
I'm part way into The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. And my dad just brought the new Audrey Niffenegger book, which I think I'll borrow next. What are you reading?
For that matter, what are you doing? How's life?