In preparation for the Very Laid Back Diaper Shower I hosted for my best friend last Saturday, I paid a visit to our local video store - list of suggested titles in hand. I also had Hannah in hand.
I spent about ten minutes trying to surmise the most apropos genre for each film and alternately searching for the movie and jaunting back into the aisle to make sure no one had abducted Hannah from her post in front of the candy section (from which she could not be blasted). I was rewarded with one, single, solitary movie: Baby Boom.
My find did perk me up, however, since I was a tad doubtful I'd even find it on DVD. I was also excited because my best friend had somehow managed to never see the film - a movie I can easily point to for any one of a handful of misconceptions I had about being a woman or a mother. (80s movies were choc' ful 'o neuroses for young girls to buy into.)
But I didn't feel like playing more freeze tag with Hannah, so I scooped her up and headed to the front to ask for assistance. I explained to the young girl behind the counter that I was hosting a diaper party and wanted some baby-themed movies. I then proceeded to name three or four so she'd get the idea and be able to contribute or point me in the right direction.
"Well, let me see," she said, pulling up something on her computer. "What was the name of that first one?"
"Nine Months," I replied, baby on hip.
"Uh... we have 9 1/2 Weeks," she offers up, hopeful. (Later, when I recount the story for my friends, they offer up that 9 1/2 Weeks is what gets you into the trouble of Nine Months.)
"Um, no. That's not really what I'm looking for." I'm a little surprised that she seems unfamiliar with Nine Months, but I give her the benefit of the doubt and move on to another title. "How 'bout Three Men and a Baby?"
"Three Minute Baby?" she asks.
"No, Three Men and a Baby," I state - making sure to enunciate this time.
She furrows her brow and looks back at the screen. "Nope. We don't have that."
Now I'm really confused. How can she not know these movies? But I give her another shot. "Okay, let's try She's Having a Baby." Surely she knows this one. How can you not? Kevin Bacon? It's replayed on cable all the freakin' time!
"Hm... Nope. Not that one either." There's not even a glimmer of recognition.
I look at her and try a reality check. Maybe this is her first job. That would make her, what, 16? So, 2006 minus 16 give me... oh SHIT! She wasn't born until 1990!!!! Here I am, some ancient 29-year-old (with a KID no less) asking her about all these OLD films that were made way back in the 80s.
My friends said I should have really thrown her by asking if they had the movies in Beta.